Strayer University Week 9 International Policing Role & Strategy of US Paper
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Due Week 9 and worth 120 points. The formal deadline is on Monday morning at 9am Eastern Time; thisis the next day after Week 9 ends. Watch announcements, emails, andpostings for exact dates and any holiday notes that sometimes arise.
[NOTE ON ECREE: Asyou know from our first two papers, the university is adopting a toolcalled ecree for helping and doing writing assignments in manyclasses. In our History 105 class, we will be using the ecree programonly for EXTRA CREDIT as a tool for doing work on your rough draft of thepaper. We hope this approach encourages more rough drafting and revisionwork by students as well as makes students familiar with this useful newtool. ForAssignment 3, in the Week 9 unit, you will see the link “EXTRA CREDIT: ROUGHDRAFT….”—that is where you can get up to 5 points of extra credit.Instructions will be posted there in the early days of the summer course.If you try this option, you will be able to use the file developed in ecree asa rough draft; you will then download that draft and edit itfurther. Then, once your paper is fully polished andfinished as you see fit, you will then submit it at the next link in theWeek 9 unit, which says “SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT 3: AMERICA AS A SUPERPOWER”. ]
The previous assignmentsfocused on domestic matters in U.S. history. This last assignment exploresAmerica’s international role in recent decades.
BACKGROUND FOR THE PAPER: This is a 5-paragraph paper based on research indesignated sources. It is a position paper in which you support a thesisstatement by reason and historical examples. By the mid-20thcentury, the United States had become the dominant force in internationalrelations. Some have argued that the United States’ military functions as theworld’s “police.” This assignment covers the manner in which this shiftoccurred and the consequences the United States faces as a result of its statusas “policeman of the world.” One can identify early steps this direction wellbefore World War II, but in this paper focus on the period from 1950 to thepresent. The American international “policing” role developed because of theCold War, but now terrorists or any power having or trying to get weapons ofmass destruction (WMD) are the potential targets of such a role. Yourpaper will use specific examples—two from the Cold War years (roughly1950-1990) and two from the past three decades (1991-2019). Examine thetwo statements below and drawing from provided sources and the university’sonline library, present a paper with specific examples and arguments todemonstrate the validity of your position. [Don’t use this background paragraphin your paper.]
NOTE: The word “policing” here has nothing to do withtraditional law enforcement agencies. It is more about trying to manage partsof the globe—usually by use of military force or the threat of it. Theaim of this management may be to maintain stability, remove threats of “rogue”forces or terrorists or weapons, prevent the expansion of autocratic rule,protect a fledgling democracy, etc.
Choose one of these thesisstatements as your position (make it the last sentence of your introductoryparagraph):
THESIS STATEMENT 1: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clearthat the international policing role and strategy of the United States was onceessential, but should now be discarded as ineffective and counterproductive.
THESIS STATEMENT 2: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clearthat the international policing role and strategy of the United States duringthe Cold War has become even more necessary in this period of terrorism andinstability.
·Whichever thesis statement youchoose, plan to make that thesis statement the last sentence in yourintroductory paragraph. The general subject is America’s international“policing” role as a superpower for the last 70-plus years. You may modifythe wording slightly to fit more precisely the position you wish to take.This is NOT a simple statement of a topic; it is a statement of a position youare taking about that topic. p.s.—Valid arguments and “A” papers can bemade with either thesis. So, you choose the one you think is the strongerposition.
In your paper, use specificexamples—two from the Cold War years (roughly 1950-1990) and two from post ColdWar years (the past three decades, roughly 1991-2019). After giving generalconsideration to your readings and your research, select one of the positionsabove as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thoroughresearch, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with criticalthinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different positionthan you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows,handling these issues with this FOUR-PART organization (see Template also):
1.PartOne—one paragraph.INTRODUCTION AND THESIS STATEMENT. The position you choose will bethe thesis statement in your opening paragraph; make it the last sentence ofthe paragraph.
2.PartTwo—two paragraphs normally.FOUR EXAMPLES. To support your thesis, use four specific examples, twofrom the Cold War years (1950-1990) and two from the post-Cold War period(1991-2019). The examples should be specific and clearly support yourthesis. In these paragraphs one generally must have in-text citations tosupport your specific examples and to show where the information wasfound. Make the examples SPECIFIC. The FORMAT SAMPLE paper can alsohelp on this part.
3.PartThree—one paragraph normally.DEALING WITH THE OPPOSING VIEW. The opposing view is the thesis statement youdid NOT choose. Identify that opposing view and explain why the opposing viewis weak in comparison to yours. No new research needed; just one paragraphof critical thinking suggesting why your thesis/position is stronger than adifferent view. Approach it this way: You adopted a thesisstatement. The opposing view is the thesis statement you did NOT adopt. Youmight start this paragraph by saying “Some may disagree with my thesis andargue that ——- .” THEN—you spend 3 to 5 sentences giving areasoned argument why your thesis is stronger than the opposing view.
4.PartFour—oneparagraph: LEGACY TODAY AND CONCLUSION: Consider your lifetoday: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues inyour workplace or desired profession? This might be unclear at first since itis foreign policy. (But, super-power status does inevitably provide advantagesin a global economy.) This might be easy if you work in cyber security,criminal justice, IT, etc. You can consider the legal impact of terrorismon the justice system, privacy issues, etc. Even a business must now planaccordingly. Every profession now must have security safeguards, have emergencyincident preparations, plan what to do with data, etc. A few comments onthese things for your profession—and some comments on how this impacts ourlives in general. The FORMAT SAMPLE PAPER also has good suggestions forthis part.
After the fourth partconcluding the paper, be sure you have the numbered list of sources at theend. And be sure each source listed is also used and cited clearly in thebody of the paper. The FORMAT SAMPLE paper illustrates this.
Length: The paper should be500-to-750 words in length. 500 is a minimum. 750 is a guideline asa maximum. This word-count does not include any title page or sourceslist.
Research and References: Youmust use a MINIMUM of four quality academic sources; theSchultz textbook must be one of them. The other three may be from thelist below or from other quality sources you find in the university’s onlinelibrary. (Sticking with the list is a safe strategy; using otherquality sources from the university’s online library is permitted.) This isguided research, not Googling.
Source list for Assignment3: Some sources are “primary”sources from the time period being studied. Some sources below can be accessedvia direct link. For others, they are accessible through the permalink tothe source in our online library: Sources below having aspart of the URL have a permalink to that source in our university’s onlinelibrary. (The link takes you to the library log-in; you then log in, andthen the source appears for you right away). Each source below is shownin SWS form, so if you use it, you may easily copy the entire entry onto yourpaper’s sources list. (On a paper, never list an item as URL only.)
SWS Form for the textbook:
Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.
Choose sources relevant to thetopic and position you are taking:
G. H. W. Bush. March 6, 1991.Address before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation ofthe Persian Gulf Conflict.…
S. Chace. Summer, 2015. TheCuban Missile Crisis: Leadership as Disturbance, Informed byHistory.…
J. F. Dulles. Jan. 2, 1954.Secretary Dulles’ Strategy of Massive Retaliation.…
M. Klare. July 15, 2002.Endless Military Superiority.…
T. McCrisken. April/May, 2013.Obama’s Drone War.…
C. Paul. 2008. Marines onthe Beach: The Politics of U.S. Military Intervention DecisionMaking. eBook.…
C. Powell. Feb. 6,2003. Transcript of Powell’s UN Presentation.…
R. Reagan. March, 1983. Remarksat the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals.…
Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST:Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.
S. M. Tarzi. Sept. 2014. TheFolly of a Grand Strategy of Coercive Global Primacy: A FreshPerspective on the Post-9/11 Bush Doctrine.…
Your assignment must followthese formatting requirements below:
·This course requires use ofnew Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses.Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
·If you use ECREE as a roughdraft tool, the document of the rough draft that you download will besingle-spaced. Once you download and save that, use your Word or otherprogram to double space between lines and to make other edits and additions asnecessary.
·Your final Assignment 3 papermust be typed, double spaced between lines, and use one of these fontstyles: Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, or Calibri. Font sizemust be between 10 and 12. Try to use one-inch margins on all sides,but don’t justify the right margin. In-text citations (in the body of thepaper) and a numbered Sources list at the end are required, and they shouldfollow SWS format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
·Include a title page containingthe title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title,and the date you completed the paper. (Please—on the title page—keep it fairlyplain, no fancy colors, boxes, etc.)
·The title page and the Sourceslist are not included in the required assignment length.
The specific course learningoutcomes associated with this assignment are:
·Analyze the rise of the UnitedStates to a world “superpower” and how that status has shaped its internal developmentsin recent decades.
·Examine how changes in socialand economic conditions and technology can cause corresponding changes in theattitudes of the people and policies of the government
·Summarize and discuss the waysthat formal policies of government have influenced the direction of historicaland social development in the United States.
·Recognize the major turningpoints in American history since the Civil War.
·Use technology and informationresources to research issues in contemporary U.S. history.
·Write clearly and conciselyabout contemporary U.S. history using proper writing mechanics.