SYG2000 Richland American Dream Poverty and Opportunity in America Paper


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Chasing the Dream: Poverty and Opportunity in America exploresthe human stories of poverty and showcases promising solutions. A fewdecades ago, if you had a job, you probably did not live in poverty. Buttoday, full-time, well-paying manufacturing and blue-collar jobs thatwere once a ticket to upward mobility have disappeared, and incomedisparity is growing. Increasingly, people working full-time in low wagejobs are living in poverty, and today, more and more of those makingminimum wage are adults trying to support families.

What’s Your American Dream Score?

  • Your American Dream Score asks respondents to answer 13 questions about their life.
  • Each question represents a factor that research shows correlates to social mobility and/or happiness in life.
  • Similarly, all of the options within each question are alsobased on specific research related to mobility or positive lifeoutcomes.
  • Once completed they receive a composite score and a list of factors working for and against them.
  • The higher your score, the more you had to overcome.
  • The lower the score, the more you had working in your favor.
  • People are also given a link to a song that symbolizes their journey (i.e. gratitude, struggle, pride)

With score in hand, people are then encouraged to take an action— including sharing it with others, thanking those that helped them getahead, diving deeper into each factor and connecting them withorganizations that help people move up in life.

Learn more about how this tool was created, related psychological research, and how our experiences shape our view of the “American Dream.”

  1. First, explore the Chasing the Dream website.
  2. Next, complete the quiz. It shouldtake about five minutes and you’ll find out what factors were working inyour favor and what you had to overcome to get where you aretoday. At the end, you’ll receive an overall score and a personalizedsummary of the results (and probably a big dose of pride andgratitude).
  3. Then, share your score results as a screenshot ( How to take a screenshot with a PC or Mac ).
  4. Now, write a post detailing where youagree or disagree with your score. Do you believe the score and factorsthe quiz identify reflect you lived experience? Why/Why not.
  5. Finally, look at the scores of classmates, find a classmate with a dissimilar score and provide a written reflection on the differences

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