UDC Case Study on Airbnb Internet Company
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Pleasefind attached a WALL STREET JOURNAL ARTICLE dated January 18, 2014 and aHarvard Business case study on Airbnb Internet company.
Answerany ONE of the following questions in Microsoft Word document foraround 1,500 words or 2-3 pages (Times New Roman, 12 font size, anddouble spaced). Quote your sources when answering the question.
1.What is the business model for Airbnb and how is it different fromother Internet companies like Amazon, eBay, etc. Hint: To understandbusiness models for Amazon or eBay – please visit http://digitalenterprise.org/cases/amazon.html and http://digitalenterprise.org/cases/ebay.html.
2.How do you think, Airbnb will resolve the current problems facing thecompany? Please provide solutions in steps and focus on what strategy(or strategies) the company will use for each of these steps.
Word Limit: 1,500 words or less!